What You Missed on The Bachelor: Maybe Don’t Tell Him You Want to Choke Him?

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When we last saw our friends they were in New Orleans, in the midst of the two-on-one date from hell. Taylor had made the gutsy decision to re-interrupt Corinne’s dinner date with Nick. Tonight’s episode features fourteen people on a search for love. These are their stories. *Dun Dun*

Taylor the re-interruptor (no comic book deal pending), comes back from the dead* to give Nick a stern talking to and to remind him that Corinne is NOT there for the right reasons.

*What do you mean they don’t kill the women off after they get kicked off the show? I thought that was part of the structure of the show. Sigh.

What You Missed on This Week’s Episode of The Bachelor: IDK if Her Dad Would Really Be Proud

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Sometimes I think I would be more psychologically healthy if I didn’t watch this television show. Unfortunately for me there is no twelve-step program designed to get me to stop watching, no nicotine-style patch to help me get over this addiction. So I’ll just keep writing until years and years into the future, with my dying breath, I whisper, “What even are the right reasons?”